Tuesday, May 7, 2024



The Mirrored Trilogy, #1


Fantasy Romance / Romantasy

Date Published: 04-09-2024

Publisher: City Owl Press


What if the fairytale was always a lie? 

Seven years after her family’s murders, Eva is attacked by a magical creature and abducted to the faerie realm. When a handsome fae saves her, Bash reveals that he must bring Eva to her faerie soulmate to stop a world-ending Curse. She relents, but only for the opportunity to find answers about her parents’ deaths. 

As their journey progresses, Eva delves into her previously hidden magic—and grows steadily closer to Bash. But when she meets her prince, she soon learns that all is not what it seems. While mystery and intrigue surround her, Eva takes it into her own hands to uncover the truth. But what she discovers is beyond her imagination, as she unravels the fae’s web of lies. 

Don’t miss this romantasy into the fae realm with hidden secrets, steamy romance, and true fantasy adventure.



Are you ready to be completely taken away to another world? If so, this is the book for you. CJ Odle does an amazing job of creating a vivid image in the readers head of the scenery and world in general. This in turn helps the characters and the conflict seem even more real as a reader.

This was a very enjoyable read, the writing really jumped off the pages and into my mind, so kudos to Dana Evyn for that.

These characters each have their own personalities and depth to them. None of them felt one-dimensional or forced, they all shined through as individuals.

About the Author

Dana Evyn has been lost in her daydreams for as long as she can remember, though only recently started writing them down. She’s usually lost in a book—especially one with an indominable female lead, a unique magical world, and a dark twist you don’t see coming. She’s a mother of two tiny humans and a large golden retriever, and lives near Seattle, WA.


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