Monday, May 27, 2024

Mystery / Thriller

Date Published: March 12, 2024



Defying gravity, manipulating the naked eye, and moving faster than time itself? These abilities, or Channels, were once considered impossible yet are now commonplace, and the small town of Lockwood, New Hampshire is no exception. In 2055, society has progressed to include and incorporate Channeling as a natural part of life. This is made possible by the establishment of the Department of Channel Control and the limited abilities most Channelers have. However, this all changes when four students at Lockwood University discover they can take their Channels further than ever thought possible. Now, the more Rachel, Miles, Angelo, and Clayton discover about their abilities and their pasts, the more dangerous their lives become.



The intricate plot twists and compelling characters kept me engaged throughout.

Very captivating from start to finish. It's well written and fast paced, so you don't want to put it down.

Highly recommend for anyone seeking a gripping and thought-provoking read.

About the Author

Andrew has always been passionate about writing and storytelling. They describe themselves as a curious Writer who loves exploring diverse themes, motifs, and genres. As part of their writing process, they love immersing themselves in their projects—diving headfirst into the research, production, and fine-tuning of the stories they feel are the most worthy of telling.


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