Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Date Published: May 2024

Publisher: Film Valor


In this final chapter, Ron's story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). Michael's wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. Ron's journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022)


Coming of Age is wonderful because over the course we get to see these characters in many aspects of their life as they grow. Just like any of us, they change along the way. They fall in love, make mistakes, and learn new things.

This has been such a wonderful adventure with these characters we have met along the way. I personally loved L.J. Ambrosio's detailed writing and the dialogue between the characters.

At times you will laugh, be frustrated, and even cry. There are so many ups and downs but this ending was well worth it.

About the Author

Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.


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