Tuesday, December 3, 2024



Insight and education for end-of-life care


Date Published: 12/1/2024



The Chronicles are an essential and informative read for hospice nurses, caregivers and others interested in end of life. Journey through 29 amazing stories of an Alaskan Hospice nurse with incredible people and learn about pain, symptom management and grieving. Through their love and loss, find encouragement and inspiration in these real-life lessons on this specialty of nursing not taught in the classroom. Hospice . . . Hospitum . . . Hospitality


Early Reviews

“Esther’s book is a must read for any nurse across the lifespan. She has not simply put together a collection of powerful stories of dealing with death and the dying process, but each story closes with the pearls of wisdom each patient and family were taught about end of life. Esther shows us, story by story, that being there to provide for the needs of peace, comfort, and love of the patient and their families in those last moments is one of the most important vows a nurse can keep.”

Christi M. Angelo, APRN-BC, F/AC  Hospice and Acute Care - Alaska


“This account of an experienced hospice nurse in rural Alaska is both inspiring and informative.  Esther’s interactions with patients demonstrate both the depth of her humanity and experience with patients toward the end of life. For the intended audience of Hospice nurses and caregivers, it provides a framework and clinical information while maintaining a truly compassionate undertone. Other audiences will be moved, informed and inspired...”

Patty Hewson C.R.N.P. Adult Primary Care - Pennsylvania


“The Chronicles depict how cultural beliefs and traditions one is raised with can help bring peace to the patient in knowing what their final journey holds. Faith, hope, and love are epitomized through Esther’s work.”

Angela Watson, MSN, BSN, BA, RN Case Manager Indian Health Services - New Mexico


“You will find a treasure chest of valuable knowledge to support any of the disciplines of the Hospice team. Every chapter connects you with the real dynamics of individuals and families as they walk through the end stages of life. I warn you now, some of these insightful stories will bring a tear, but also provide real and helpful expertise that will further enable you to do your calling better.”

David J. Gibson - Ordained Minister and Hospice Chaplain - Indiana

About the Author

Esther Pepper, RN, BSN, is a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse who was raised in Alaska and has lived there most of her life. She has 20 years of experience as a nurse, 16 of which have been in Hospice care. She found her calling and passion for end of life early in her nursing career. She is dedicated to training new nurses into the field of Hospice and works as a Hospice Case Manager in South Central Alaska.


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Novel News Network for highlighting my book! My website is: estherpepper.com and links for purchase are: https://www.amazon.com/My-Calling-Chronicles-Alaskan-Hospice/dp/1965340466 and https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/my-calling-esther-pepper/1146560508


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