Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Peculiar Case of Jean Stevens

Inspirational, Spiritual, True Crime

Date Published: March 21, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media


As a retired death investigator, I have discovered throughout my career that what I once interpreted as normalcy was grossly misunderstood. I have learned that lifestyles greatly vary from individual to individual, situation to situation, and ideology to ideology. A "normal situation" and "normal behavior" are relative to any given individual in any given environment. The inevitability of death is highly overwhelming. There are some who fear death. But, little do they know, fear has nothing to do with death, for it is death that fears nothing. At the core of the fear of death is the fear of destruction, which refers to the extinction of mind, spirit, soul, and the destruction of the body- that is nonexistent.

This book is the true story and behind-the-scene look into the case of Jean Stevens. A case that would change my life, both professionally and personally, forever. Together, Jean and I learned from each other. This case is particularly of interest since it caters to the topic of death and life and how loneliness brings havoc in our normally functioning life. Since death separates one being from the other, the feeling of never meeting the one that is gone is excruciating. This permanent separation can drive people to do things they wouldn't usually consider doing. How far would you go to remain with the ones you love? You will learn how far an elderly woman went to remain with hers.


About the Author

Tom Carman is an American author who currently resides in Pennsylvania. As a retired Medicolegal Death Investigator, he has investigated over 2,000 deaths. Additionally, he has served as a consultant on several other cases. Tom has had the opportunity to get first-hand behind the scene knowledge of both scenes and people. Tom believes in love, grace, forgiveness, and hope. As a non-judgmental, now walking in Spirit man, he shares his personal journey with many. For many years Tom lived in flesh and is very familiar with sin, hardship, and knows the difficulties of starting over and accepting death. Having been formerly incarcerated, Tom now dedicates his life to serving the underdogs of the world by delivering hope. He believes wholeheartedly that anyone can receive this hope and begin a new journey leaving their past behind.

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